New Ren & Stimpy on TNN... anyone else see the clips?
(too old to reply)
2003-06-27 02:14:11 UTC
God what a pile of crap that was.. maybe JohnK wasn't the talent after all... :(
scrape at mindspring dot com
2003-06-27 02:42:22 UTC
Post by Boneur
God what a pile of crap that was.. maybe JohnK wasn't the talent after all... :(
I was wondering if I just didn't get it. What a load.
Bob Nunues
2003-06-27 05:48:15 UTC
Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
entire life.
WARNING: Don't watch it from work.
I think after this gets on the air people will be ashamed to call
themselves Ren & Stimpy fans.
I gotta give some credit to TNN though, for airing the first gay porn
cartoon on American TV (and no that is not an exaggeration).
I actually tried to watch the first telecast of this version of "Ren
and Stimpy" on June 26, 2003, and it was, in a nutshell, to put it
mildly and charitably, unwatchable. After only a few minutes I changed
the channel. Perhaps the folks at Viacom should consider renaming The
National (formerly Nashville) Network "Feces TV."

Thanks for reading.
2003-06-27 13:13:03 UTC
Post by Bob Nunues
Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
entire life.
WARNING: Don't watch it from work.
I think after this gets on the air people will be ashamed to call
themselves Ren & Stimpy fans.
I gotta give some credit to TNN though, for airing the first gay porn
cartoon on American TV (and no that is not an exaggeration).
I actually tried to watch the first telecast of this version of "Ren
and Stimpy" on June 26, 2003, and it was, in a nutshell, to put it
mildly and charitably, unwatchable. After only a few minutes I changed
the channel. Perhaps the folks at Viacom should consider renaming The
National (formerly Nashville) Network "Feces TV."
Thanks for reading.
Sounds like John K and the Spumco crew hit the nail right on the head!
These are exactly the potatoes that need a sound whipping!


"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam
Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein and his willingness to terrorize
--G. W. Bush, Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 29, 2003

³Killing Iraqis was hard at first, but after a while it got easier.²
--Timothy McVeigh, veteran of Gulf War I
The Midnight Bomber
2003-06-27 16:40:12 UTC
Post by Bob Nunues
Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
entire life.
WARNING: Don't watch it from work.
I think after this gets on the air people will be ashamed to call
themselves Ren & Stimpy fans.
I gotta give some credit to TNN though, for airing the first gay porn
cartoon on American TV (and no that is not an exaggeration).
I actually tried to watch the first telecast of this version of "Ren
and Stimpy" on June 26, 2003, and it was, in a nutshell, to put it
mildly and charitably, unwatchable. After only a few minutes I changed
the channel. Perhaps the folks at Viacom should consider renaming The
National (formerly Nashville) Network "Feces TV."
Thanks for reading.
You my friend, simply don't 'get it'...it was prolly the most vile,
disgusting, and hilarious piece i've seen in a while...I'm sorry if
you prefer the watered down, no John K, Billy West doing all the
voices, Nick R&S crap...this is everything that R&S is supposed to

can't wait till next week.
Dougie Roberts
2003-06-27 20:20:16 UTC
Post by The Midnight Bomber
You my friend, simply don't 'get it'...it was prolly the most vile,
disgusting, and hilarious piece i've seen in a while...I'm sorry if
you prefer the watered down, no John K, Billy West doing all the
voices, Nick R&S crap...this is everything that R&S is supposed to
They re-ran the old "Space Madness" episode on the same night. Didn't John
K do that one? That was way funnier than the brand new R&S episode, what a
2003-06-30 11:34:33 UTC
In rec.arts.tv The Midnight Bomber <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

: You my friend, simply don't 'get it'...it was prolly the most vile,
: disgusting, and hilarious piece i've seen in a while...I'm sorry if
: you prefer the watered down, no John K, Billy West doing all the
: voices, Nick R&S crap...this is everything that R&S is supposed to
: be... can't wait till next week.

I beg to differ. The classic eps, if not overly broken up for commercials,
were far better than that crappy (heh) new ep.
2003-06-30 13:08:25 UTC
Post by The Midnight Bomber
Post by Bob Nunues
Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
entire life.
WARNING: Don't watch it from work.
I think after this gets on the air people will be ashamed to call
themselves Ren & Stimpy fans.
I gotta give some credit to TNN though, for airing the first gay porn
cartoon on American TV (and no that is not an exaggeration).
I actually tried to watch the first telecast of this version of "Ren
and Stimpy" on June 26, 2003, and it was, in a nutshell, to put it
mildly and charitably, unwatchable. After only a few minutes I changed
the channel. Perhaps the folks at Viacom should consider renaming The
National (formerly Nashville) Network "Feces TV."
Thanks for reading.
You my friend, simply don't 'get it'...it was prolly the most vile,
disgusting, and hilarious piece i've seen in a while...I'm sorry if
you prefer the watered down, no John K, Billy West doing all the
voices, Nick R&S crap...this is everything that R&S is supposed to
can't wait till next week.
Well I don't "get" all the monster truck crap, the NASCAR crap, the
wrestling crap, the rap crap, the angst or angry white girl singer
crap, the MAXIM/STUFF hype crap, and lots' of other crap, but I "GOT"
Ren & Stimpy, and this "NEW" TNN version is in a word, c-r-a-p.

Perhaps John K thought he'd test the TNN waters and see how far he
could push the crappy envelope with this first episode, who knows; the
crappy bar scene would've been funny had it only lasted a minute.
THAT sketch was goofy crap that could've played on Nick. and the
crappy "gay" thing got way overplayed.

Ok, R&S "could" be gay, keep the crappy innuendos if you want, but
get on with the stinkin' comedy. This first show blew that and even
added some crappy bedside gymnastics, "doggy-style". Crap.

Go back and watch some first R&S season eps.
Now THOSE were hilarious, without the crap.

2003-06-28 04:37:26 UTC
Talk about a gay cartoon, I should have switched channels when
they started their, I'm the pitcher and your the catcher routine
While on the topic of Cartoons, what the hell was the deal
with striperella? Girls get breast implants, the implants cause
them to get far and explode. Ok, good story there.
What I found interesting was the fact that, on "Ren & Stimpy," TNN
apparantly had no problem showing Stimpy kiss the ass of a rat, and then
have shit all over his lips, but, on "Stripperella," they digitally
masked the breasts of one of the strippers near the beginning of the

Okay, so TNN doesn't mind completely tasteless ass and shit jokes, but
they have problems with cartoon nipples???????

The should just rename TNN to THSN (The Hypocritical Schizophrenic

Visit the Entropy Productions homepage at
Quiet Desperation
2003-06-28 06:44:24 UTC
Post by Rick
Okay, so TNN doesn't mind completely tasteless ass and shit jokes, but
they have problems with cartoon nipples???????
This is a typical thing. I remember USA or someone showed Heavy Metal a
few years back. All nudity was heavily edited, but every violent and
bloody image was left in, including the shot of the WW2 bomber
crewman's intestines coming out.

So: Bloody intestines, yes. Nipples, no.

Hey, that's a potential title for one of the new Ren & Stimpy's. :)
Barry Margolin
2003-06-28 06:43:25 UTC
Post by Rick
Talk about a gay cartoon, I should have switched channels when
they started their, I'm the pitcher and your the catcher routine
While on the topic of Cartoons, what the hell was the deal
with striperella? Girls get breast implants, the implants cause
them to get far and explode. Ok, good story there.
What I found interesting was the fact that, on "Ren & Stimpy," TNN
apparantly had no problem showing Stimpy kiss the ass of a rat, and then
have shit all over his lips, but, on "Stripperella," they digitally
masked the breasts of one of the strippers near the beginning of the
Okay, so TNN doesn't mind completely tasteless ass and shit jokes, but
they have problems with cartoon nipples???????
Apparently shit is OK to show on TV these days -- earlier that same
evening The Amazing Race had the contestants digging through a 15-foot
mound of cow manure. And it's finally becoming OK to say the word on
basic cable and NYPD Blue.
Barry Margolin, ***@alum.mit.edu
Level(3), Woburn, MA
Tom Betz
2003-06-28 12:05:51 UTC
Post by Barry Margolin
Apparently shit is OK to show on TV these days -- earlier that same
evening The Amazing Race had the contestants digging through a 15-foot
mound of cow manure. And it's finally becoming OK to say the word on
basic cable and NYPD Blue.
... and, of course, South Park.
Tom Betz
2003-06-28 14:47:32 UTC
Post by Barry Margolin
Apparently shit is OK to show on TV these days
... of course, TV has been 99% shit for a very long time now.

(You'd think it would have fertilized the Vast Wasteland by now...)
2003-07-04 21:52:20 UTC
Post by Barry Margolin
Apparently shit is OK to show on TV these days -- earlier that same
evening The Amazing Race had the contestants digging through a 15-foot
mound of cow manure. And it's finally becoming OK to say the word on
basic cable and NYPD Blue.
Actually, I rememeber watching this one documentary about ten years
ago entitled "The Incredible World of Dung" on the Discovery Channel
(or The learning Channel). I am sure you can make an educated guess as
to the subject matter of that particular show, but I vividly remember
this one scene in which this elephant was taking a huge dump with her
two elephant babies in tow greedily scarfing it down.
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
2003-06-28 08:53:41 UTC
Post by Rick
Okay, so TNN doesn't mind completely tasteless ass and shit jokes, but
they have problems with cartoon nipples???????
Pamela Anderson stipulated no cartoon nudity in her contract.

2003-06-27 11:51:54 UTC
In rec.arts.tv Anthony <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

: Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
: website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
: That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
: entire life.
: http://www.thenewtnn.com/shows/animation/ren_stimpy/video_clips.jhtml

Yeah, I was less than impressed as well.
2003-06-27 12:47:33 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
: Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
: website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
: That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
: entire life.
: http://www.thenewtnn.com/shows/animation/ren_stimpy/video_clips.jhtml
Yeah, I was less than impressed as well.
Then return your uwashed Liederhosen! You EEEeediot!


"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam
Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein and his willingness to terrorize
--G. W. Bush, Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 29, 2003

³Killing Iraqis was hard at first, but after a while it got easier.²
--Timothy McVeigh, veteran of Gulf War I
Barry Margolin
2003-06-28 00:37:43 UTC
: What the fuck? They didn't used to be gay! Is Spike TV now Gay TV?
I think I recall at the time R&S first came out there was some speculation
on whether they were gay or not, but I find these mental "exercises" to be
a total waste of time for all invovled.
It seems like this incarnation was intended to be a satire on the
speculation about Bert and Ernie of Sesame Street. But for satire to be
worthwhile it needs to be situated in an interesting story. This had
gay allusions and other grossnesses merely for shock value. R&S has
always thrown in bits of gratuitous grossness (like Stimpy's
preoccupation with boogers), but it wasn't usually dragged on and on
like the whole spitoon segment (BTW, how many people in the 18-34
generation even know what a spitoon is?).

I'm going to give it another shot just to find out whether this was just
the point of the one episode, or if the whole series is going to be drek
like this.

Know what else I missed from the original R&S? The classical music
Barry Margolin, ***@alum.mit.edu
Level(3), Woburn, MA
Newt Floss
2003-06-28 22:24:51 UTC
It wasn't intended to be satire. Watch it again.
Rajah of the Orange Groves
2003-06-30 14:48:18 UTC
Post by Newt Floss
It wasn't intended to be satire. Watch it again.
Worst episode *ever.*
2003-07-04 21:45:26 UTC
Post by Rajah of the Orange Groves
Post by Newt Floss
It wasn't intended to be satire. Watch it again.
Worst episode *ever.*
Don't you mean,
Worst. Episode. EVER.
Set it in 1440 point blinking polka-dot 20 MW halogen Cooper Black and I
think you'll be close. Let's hope that episode is an exception.
Unfortunately, the second episode was no better.
As chopped up and edited as it was, I still managed to chuckle at
the Ren & Stimpy Clasic ep that aired later.

As for Gary The Rat and Stripperella, those were pretty good.
I laughed my arse off at Cheapo and the mad scientist (voiced by
Stan Lee).
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
James Jones
2003-07-05 14:53:10 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Unfortunately, the second episode was no better.
I would differ with you on that; "Ren Seeks Help," I think, was a great
improvement. Very disturbing, but still much better.

James Jones
2003-07-05 17:03:12 UTC
Post by James Jones
Post by Ubiquitous
Unfortunately, the second episode was no better.
I would differ with you on that; "Ren Seeks Help," I think, was a great
improvement. Very disturbing, but still much better.
Me too.
Well at least it was something more substantial than "Look, vomit!
Look, boogers! Oh my God they're eating vomit and boogers!" humor.
2003-07-15 00:42:42 UTC
Post by James Jones
Post by Ubiquitous
Unfortunately, the second episode was no better.
I would differ with you on that; "Ren Seeks Help," I think, was a great
improvement. Very disturbing, but still much better.
I would hardly consider it "disturbing". It was still a disjointed mess.
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
2003-06-30 11:27:29 UTC
In rec.arts.tv Barry Margolin <***@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

: Know what else I missed from the original R&S? The classical music
: soundtracks.

I don't remember ever hearing classical music on R&S before.
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
2003-07-02 14:12:26 UTC
In rec.arts.tv James Jones <***@mchsi.com> wrote:
: Ubiquitous wrote:

:> I don't remember ever hearing classical music on R&S before.
: Eh? "Space Madness" had selections from the first movement of Dvorak's
: 9th ("From the New World") and Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain,"
: just off the top of my head. R&S was full of classical music clips!

Ohhh, that does ring a bell.
2003-07-03 02:25:20 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
: Know what else I missed from the original R&S? The classical music
: soundtracks.
I don't remember ever hearing classical music on R&S before.
Perhaps you had the sound turned off???
R. Westermeyer
2003-07-03 22:41:03 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
Do you know that your sig makes you a troll my definition?

Yeah, you probably knew that.

Done is the kissing, now all that remains
Is to sail forever on a stain.
--Nick Cave (Cabin Fever)
2003-07-04 02:48:12 UTC
Whose definition? It's funny and true. Anybody can get pissed at
anything if they choose to.
Post by R. Westermeyer
Post by Ubiquitous
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
Do you know that your sig makes you a troll my definition?
Yeah, you probably knew that.
Done is the kissing, now all that remains
Is to sail forever on a stain.
--Nick Cave (Cabin Fever)
R. Westermeyer
2003-07-04 23:07:27 UTC
On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 21:48:12 -0500, Worst.Episode.Ever
Post by Worst.Episode.Ever
Whose definition? It's funny and true.
What ever you say, sonny.

"Funny and true".
"Anybody can get pissed at
anything if they choose to.

Fools find comfort in anything remotely equivalent to their myopic
beliefs. Even when shoved under their noses like a turd.

Post by Worst.Episode.Ever
Post by R. Westermeyer
Post by Ubiquitous
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
Do you know that your sig makes you a troll my definition?
Yeah, you probably knew that.
Done is the kissing, now all that remains
Is to sail forever on a stain.
--Nick Cave (Cabin Fever)
2005-06-30 14:44:15 UTC
Post by Kim
Post by Ubiquitous
: Know what else I missed from the original R&S? The classical music
: soundtracks.
I don't remember ever hearing classical music on R&S before.
Perhaps you had the sound turned off???
Well, it has been more than ten years...

The Nice Mean Man
2003-07-15 09:01:20 UTC
Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
entire life.
WARNING: Don't watch it from work.
I think after this gets on the air people will be ashamed to call
themselves Ren & Stimpy fans.
I gotta give some credit to TNN though, for airing the first gay porn
cartoon on American TV (and no that is not an exaggeration).
Yes. They've ruined another icon. First the word 'gay'. They've
dirtied that one up. Then God's rainbow. I wonder if I'll ever marvel
at one again without giving thanks to the Lord above for sending AIDS.
Now, they hit the innocently screwy Ren and Stimpy. But I guess that
means that the creators of the show were fags to begin with. Good
riddence and a slow death from AIDS to them all.
The Nice Mean Man
2003-07-16 09:50:57 UTC
Post by The Nice Mean Man
Yes. They've ruined another icon. First the word 'gay'. They've
dirtied that one up. Then God's rainbow. I wonder if I'll ever marvel
at one again without giving thanks to the Lord above for sending AIDS.
Now, they hit the innocently screwy Ren and Stimpy. But I guess that
means that the creators of the show were fags to begin with. Good
riddence and a slow death from AIDS to them all.
You're a fucking idiot. Anyone ever told you that?
Yep. People just like YOU. Hit a little nerve, now did I??
Similar wishes to the above go out to you, my reamed-out lisping friend.
Bob Nunues
2003-07-23 20:59:47 UTC
Post by The Nice Mean Man
Has anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
entire life.
WARNING: Don't watch it from work.
I think after this gets on the air people will be ashamed to call
themselves Ren & Stimpy fans.
I gotta give some credit to TNN though, for airing the first gay porn
cartoon on American TV (and no that is not an exaggeration).
Yes. They've ruined another icon. First the word 'gay'. They've
dirtied that one up. Then God's rainbow. I wonder if I'll ever marvel
at one again without giving thanks to the Lord above for sending AIDS.
Now, they hit the innocently screwy Ren and Stimpy. But I guess that
means that the creators of the show were fags to begin with. Good
riddence and a slow death from AIDS to them all.
Whoa! That's one tough message. As you and any other readers may or
may not know, The National (formerly Nashville) Network plans to be
relauched as "Spike TV" on Monday, August 11. Going back to their
cartoons, recently an unemployed striptease dancer from Florida filed
suit againt Viacom, series creator Stan Lee, and star Pamela Anderson
in order to have "Stripperella" yanked off the air because she claimed
that the show was her idea.

Thanks for reading.


2003-07-23 22:38:06 UTC
Post by Bob Nunues
Post by The Nice Mean Man
Yes. They've ruined another icon. First the word 'gay'. They've
dirtied that one up. Then God's rainbow. I wonder if I'll ever marvel
at one again without giving thanks to the Lord above for sending AIDS.
Now, they hit the innocently screwy Ren and Stimpy. But I guess that
means that the creators of the show were fags to begin with. Good
riddence and a slow death from AIDS to them all.
Whoa! That's one tough message.
Not at all, I agree 100%.
Post by Bob Nunues
As you and any other readers may or
may not know, The National (formerly Nashville) Network plans to be
relauched as "Spike TV" on Monday, August 11.
How can anyone not know after Spike Lee's massive promotion. It is because of his whining that I found out about
the network and Ren & Stimpy in the first place. If not for Spike's stupid lawsuit, (not his real name anyway and
if he can choose to use the name Spike, why can't anyone else?) I would have missed the new Ren & Stimpy episodes
entirely. I blame him most of all, because I now wish I never would have seen them. They suck and seeing Ren &
Stimpy as homosexuals was a real low disgusting and offensive thing to do. I can never watch them the same way
anymore, even the old cartoons.
Post by Bob Nunues
Going back to their
cartoons, recently an unemployed striptease dancer from Florida filed
suit againt Viacom, series creator Stan Lee, and star Pamela Anderson
in order to have "Stripperella" yanked off the air because she claimed
that the show was her idea.
Why anyone would want to publicly admit that shit like that was their idea is beyond any explanation I can think
of. I surely would never want to admit that I created that crap if it was me.

Then again, some people publicly admit to being telemarketers, so go figure.
2003-07-31 00:50:17 UTC
Post by The Nice Mean Man
Yes. They've ruined another icon. First the word 'gay'. They've
dirtied that one up. Then God's rainbow. I wonder if I'll ever marvel
at one again without giving thanks to the Lord above for sending AIDS.
Now, they hit the innocently screwy Ren and Stimpy. But I guess that
means that the creators of the show were fags to begin with. Good
riddence and a slow death from AIDS to them all.
Troll O Meter

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| | | | | | | | | | |
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
The Nice Mean Man
2003-08-01 04:17:28 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by The Nice Mean Man
Yes. They've ruined another icon. First the word 'gay'. They've
dirtied that one up. Then God's rainbow. I wonder if I'll ever marvel
at one again without giving thanks to the Lord above for sending AIDS.
Now, they hit the innocently screwy Ren and Stimpy. But I guess that
means that the creators of the show were fags to begin with. Good
riddence and a slow death from AIDS to them all.
Troll O Meter
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| | | | | | | | | | |
Hey... It's the way I feel. That's all. Call it what you want. Or
better yet, do a Google search and call up my name with 'sodomite' or
'faggot' or something. You'll see just how much of a troll I am. If I
decided to go a-trollin', you sorry azzholes would even see me coming.
2003-08-02 00:53:45 UTC
Post by The Nice Mean Man
Post by Ubiquitous
Troll O Meter
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| | | | | | | | | | |
Hey... It's the way I feel. That's all. Call it what you want. Or
better yet, do a Google search and call up my name with 'sodomite' or
'faggot' or something. You'll see just how much of a troll I am.
This person was saying you are NOT a troll. Take a look at the meter, your troll rating is at
ZERO according to the pointer. If he thought you were a troll, the pointer would have been at
Pahsons - Somnolent
2003-08-05 01:14:29 UTC
Falling asleep through The Nice Mean Man's post...
Post by The Nice Mean Man
You'll see just how much of a troll I am. If I
decided to go a-trollin', you sorry azzholes would even see me coming.

"If you can't change a tire, you're not allowed to have a beard. It's the
most basic part of a car: If you don't know that much about a car, you
really shouldn't be driving, should you?" - Jimmy Kimmel
ntlhell rolls a six... deathwind is disembowelled with a chainsaw, run over
with a rhino, fed to the fish and his computer taken away from him such
that he doesn't bore us with that inane rot ever again. - ntlhell - A.G.G-
2003-08-17 00:23:33 UTC
Post by The Nice Mean Man
Hey... It's the way I feel. That's all. Call it what you want. Or
better yet, do a Google search and call up my name with 'sodomite' or
'faggot' or something. You'll see just how much of a troll I am. If I
decided to go a-trollin', you sorry azzholes would even see me coming.
Troll O Meter

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| | | | | | | | | | |
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.