Post by The Midnight BomberPost by Bob NunuesHas anyone else had the misfortune of seeing the clips on TNN's
website for the new episodes of Ren & Stimpy?
That was the unfunniest, gayest piece of crap I've ever seen in my
entire life.
WARNING: Don't watch it from work.
I think after this gets on the air people will be ashamed to call
themselves Ren & Stimpy fans.
I gotta give some credit to TNN though, for airing the first gay porn
cartoon on American TV (and no that is not an exaggeration).
I actually tried to watch the first telecast of this version of "Ren
and Stimpy" on June 26, 2003, and it was, in a nutshell, to put it
mildly and charitably, unwatchable. After only a few minutes I changed
the channel. Perhaps the folks at Viacom should consider renaming The
National (formerly Nashville) Network "Feces TV."
Thanks for reading.
You my friend, simply don't 'get it' was prolly the most vile,
disgusting, and hilarious piece i've seen in a while...I'm sorry if
you prefer the watered down, no John K, Billy West doing all the
voices, Nick R&S crap...this is everything that R&S is supposed to
can't wait till next week.
Well I don't "get" all the monster truck crap, the NASCAR crap, the
wrestling crap, the rap crap, the angst or angry white girl singer
crap, the MAXIM/STUFF hype crap, and lots' of other crap, but I "GOT"
Ren & Stimpy, and this "NEW" TNN version is in a word, c-r-a-p.
Perhaps John K thought he'd test the TNN waters and see how far he
could push the crappy envelope with this first episode, who knows; the
crappy bar scene would've been funny had it only lasted a minute.
THAT sketch was goofy crap that could've played on Nick. and the
crappy "gay" thing got way overplayed.
Ok, R&S "could" be gay, keep the crappy innuendos if you want, but
get on with the stinkin' comedy. This first show blew that and even
added some crappy bedside gymnastics, "doggy-style". Crap.
Go back and watch some first R&S season eps.
Now THOSE were hilarious, without the crap.